Pala de Pàdel Kanda Apatche | Atac | Avançat, Professional | Potència 10/10, Control 9/10, Absorció 9/10


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Pala de Pàdel Kanda


Apache és el noi nou en el bloc, actualment, la producció està començant.
Pots ser dels primers a poder jugar o vendre aquesta gran nova marca de pàdel. Quan estigui interessat a comprar 1 o quan sigui un distribuïdor de pales de pàdel i vulgui reservar pales de pàdel Apache, faci’ns-ho saber, faci clic aquí. Apache comença a lliurar la seva col·lecció de pales de pàdel al febrer de 2023.

La pala de pàdel Kanda porta una pala en forma de diamant i està especialment dissenyada per a jugadors de pàdel avançats, de tornejos i professionals, és una versió que dona potència sobre el control on l’Apache Paco dona control sobre la potència el que fa de la Kanda una pala perfecta per al jugador de pàdel a la recerca de la màxima potència i control. A causa de la tecnologia de vibració de doble tub, la pala és suau al braç i l’espatlla.
La pala de pàdel Kanda té un nucli d’escuma dura EVA 17 per a un gran control de la pilota. El marc de la pala i la pala estan fabricats en fibra de Carboni 100% 18K el que augmenta el rendiment de la pala. Té una superfície rugosa de cap de pàdel en 3D per a agregar més efecte a la pilota.

La pala Paco té un punt d’equilibri mig/alt en 27cm i és una pala de control sobre la potència, ja que en ser 100% carboni 18K li dona molta potència a la pilota.
A causa de la forma de fulla de diamant i al nucli intern fet de Hard EVA 17, manté un punt dolç molt gran en la part superior per a obtenir la màxima potència i control.

La pala de pàdel es distingeix pel seu disseny únic i exclusiu. El so en colpejar la bola és agradable i dona molta diversió al pàdel.
La pala de pàdel Kanda Apache està especialment dissenyada per a promoure la diversió del pàdel i prevenir lesions en braços i espatlles a causa de la tecnologia de vibració de doble tub implementada.

Una pala feta per al jugador de pàdel avançat, de torneig i professional que busca la màxima potència i el millor control, gran potència i control. Per al tipus de jugador que busca potència i control al mateix temps per a convertir-se en un millor jugador de pàdel.

Característiques Tècniques Apache Kanda

Nivell: Avançat, Torneig, Professional
  • Dissenyat: Bèlgica
  • Lloc de fabricació: Xinesa
  • Tipus de joc: Màxim poder sobre el control
  • Forma: Diamant
  • Pes: 360 grams
  • Equilibri: En pes de mànec mig/alt de 27 cm
  • Construcció: 100% Carboni 18K
  • Tubular: 100% Carboni 18K Twin Tube
  • Nucli extern: 100% carboni 18K
  • Nucli intern: 3 capes Polietilè Soft EVA 17
  • Acabats: Nucli hidròfug antibacterià
  • Superfície: La pala de pàdel té un acabat 3D rugós per a un major agarri i per a afegir més efecte a la pilota.


Padel Racket Kanda Apache

Apache is the new kid on the block, production is starting right as we speak.

Pre-orders can be made from now and will be provided with extra surprises to celebrate the brand and what it stands for.

100% Hand Made in Spain and Designed in Belgium.
You can be one of the first to be able to play or sell this great brand-new padel brand. When you are interested to purchase 1 or when you are a padel racket distributor and want to pre-order Apache padel rackets please let us know, click here. Apache starts to deliver their collection of padel rackets in February 2023.

The Kanda Apache Padel Racket is a Premium Edition of Apache Padel with exceptional quality and superb finish. The Kanda Apache Padel Racket is a benchmark among advanced and professional-level players looking for a Padel racket that offers them maximum power, control, and resistance at the same time. The Kanda is a padel racket with a high balance and unmatched power.

The surface of the Apache Padel Kanda professional padel racket is made of 15K carbon, basalt, and fiberglass and it has a 100% 3K carbon and basalt tubular frame.

Its exclusive Mix-Oversize Apache Padel shape is highly appreciated by professional players looking for greater control and greater power.

In addition, the Hyper Roughness technology is added, with a high roughness finish (with silicon) it provides control and effect on topspin shots and great ball output. It has a narrow-centred sweet spot and incorporates Infinity Holes drilling technology. Due to its construction technology, the Kanda is also the most resistant Apache Padel racket in the range.

The Apache Kanda racket also has a very wide, centered sweet spot.

Like all Apache Padel rackets, it is a padel racket 100% Made in Spain and designed in Belgium with a special anti-vibration technology to prevent injuries. In addition, at Apache Padel, thanks to our integrated manufacturing process, we can personalize the racket with the player’s name or any other adaption.

  • The Apache Paco is designed in Belgium, manufactured 100% in Spain with only European raw materials and is 100% recycable.
  • All Apache Padel Rackets have a special anti-vibration technology to prevent injuries. In addition, at Apache Padel, thanks to their integrated manufacturing process, they can personalize the racket with the name of the player and much more, for further details please inform us by clicking here.

The Apache Anoki is designed in Belgium, manufactured 100% in Spain with only European raw materials and is 100% recyclable.

By playing with the Apache Padel Kanda, you will discover that the padel racket will give you the feeling a professional padel player needs with great hitting force thanks to the energetic sound in each hit thanks to its 15K carbon and fiberglass layer.

  • Including Padel Racket Cover
  • Official Warranty (4 years)
  • Somewhere Cheaper, Let Us Know Apache Padel Rackets have fixed prices Worldwide

Technical Characteristics Apache Kanda

Level: Advanced, Tournament, Professional
  • Game Type: Power and Attack
  • Behavior Control: 9/10
  • Behavior Power: 10/10
  • Vibration absorption level: 9/10
  • Balance (Center of Gravity): High
  • Sweet Spot: Centred Medium
  • Blade shape: Mix-Oversize
  • Standard weight: 371-375 grams
  • Tubular Material: Hybrid Carbon (100% 3K Carbon + Basalt)
  • Flat face material (fibers): Carbon 15K + Basalt + Fiberglass
  • Core Material: Black EVA 30 Rubber for Power over Control
  • Core Density: High
  • Resin Type: Epoxy
  • Game face finish: Matte Silica Grain
  • Thick profile and thick playing faces: 38 mm
  • Handle diameter: 3.2 cm
  • Contact surface dimension: 530 cm2
  • Number of holes: 49 (20 perforated and 29 semi-perforated)
  • Settling of materials for full performance: 4 hours

Advantages of Apache Padel Kanda rackets

  • Apache Padel rackets are designed in Belgium and manufactured one by one 100% in Spain
  • Premium quality with materials from the European Union
  • Exclusive blade shape to give maximum power and control to demanding players
  • Vibration absorption technology to prevent frequent injuries
  • Customization of the blades with the player’s name or a message for a single purchase
  • Fully personalized exclusive advice

At Apache Padel, they want to offer padel rackets with detail in the quality of materials and technologies to maximize player performance and minimize injuries. All their professional padel tennis rackets are nationally manufactured. They are also highly configurable and customizable, including technology to minimize the vibrations that are transmitted to your arm.

World Padel Tour (WPT)

  • The Apache Padel Rackets are used by professional padel players on the World Padel Tour.
  • The Apache rackets are professional padel rackets handcrafted in Spain with the latest technology.

Technologies Apache Padel Kanda padel racket

  • EVA Technology: Black EVA 30 Rubber
  • Carbon Basalt Technology
  • 100% Carbon Frame Technology
  • Carbon 3D Composite Technology
  • 15K Carbon Technology
  • Hyper Roughness Technology
  • Infinity Holes Technology
  • Low Vibration Technology

Informació addicional

Pes 1 kg
Dimensions 48 × 30 × 5 cm

Choose Desired Padel Racket Weight



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